Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A wet day :)

Another layday today with 25-35 knot winds forecast and plenty of rain. Mark and I hitched into Whitemark for the long awaited counter meal at the pub and it was a ripper :) We walked a couple of k's in pouring rain and strong winds but the famous Flinders Island hospitality shone through and the first car that was able to stopped and gave us a lift (the very first car didn't stop but the owner made the point of coming up to us in Whitemark and apologising because they didn't have room for us!)
There are no laundry facilities in town but the pub allowed us to use their washing machines. The friendliness, generosity and helpfulness of these people is outstanding...even if they do think we are mad for paddling across "the Strait".
We spent the rest of the afternoon with the other members of the group in the Furneax Museum at Emita reading documents about island life and history. It will be much the same tomorrow with strong winds again forecast easing in the afternoon but we should be able to paddle down to Trousers Point on Thursday.
Unfortunately my means of charging my netbook from mains power has failed. I was hoping to spend today loading images from this trip but that is going to have to wait until I get home.
Mark getting some "culture" at the Emita museum.
Sunset at Allports Beach, Emita

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